earHD Testing

From £39.95


We focused on three main areas to test:

• Frequency response (higher levels of detail)
• Directionality (reduced background noise)
• Speech intelligibility (how well we hear human voice)

Each area displays how earHD effects our hearing and allows us to focus on what's in front of us whilst reducing ambient noise.

The Set Up

To test the effectiveness of earHD, we used a ‘Kemar’ device. An acoustic head and torso simulator (or HATS for short) that has built in microphones in the ears.

The HATS is designed to mimic the natural human ear response.

Speakers are set at 0, 90 and 180 degrees around the simulator and by sending an audible signal through each speaker and recording the sound, we can determine how effective earHD can be.


earHD is designed to focus on sounds coming from in front of the listener.

This allows the user to focus on sound they look at.

The table below shows how sound coming from the front (0 degrees) is unaffected and sound coming from varying angles is reduced.

Speech Intelligibility

Speech intelligibility measures how well earHD can receive a human voice emanating from the front.

The natural human ear is rated in the ‘fair’ category at an average of 0.49.

Using earHD improves this with an average of 0.62 for female voices and 0.64 for male voices

Frequency Response

Our ear canal has a natural resonance between 1.5KHz and 6KHz as well as reduced high frequencies, particularly as we get older. This resonance presents itself as distorted sound.

When earHD is used, the 1.5kHz to 6kHz resonance is drastically reduced and high frequencies above 6KHz are boosted, revealing previously hidden detail.

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From £39.95